Operation Curupira is combating deforestation and illegal exploitation in Pará

On the 15th of this month, the Government of the State of Pará, through the Secretariats of Public Security and Social Defense (Segup) and the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability (Semas), launched Operation Curupira with the aim of combating deforestation, illegal exploitation of natural resources, forest fires, and other illicit activities that cause impacts to nature in the region of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) “Triunfo do Xingu”, located in areas belonging to the municipalities of São Félix do Xingu and Altamira.

About 45 agents from the state’s public security system agencies, Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability, Secretariat of Finance, and Adepará were mobilized for daily actions from the fixed base installed in São Félix do Xingu. The strategy of maintaining fixed bases at strategic points in the municipalities has been the differential in Operation Curupira, as it reinforces the state’s presence permanently to inhibit criminal actions in the area.

“From the 15th to the 22nd of this month, more than 150 people and vehicles, motorcycles, and trucks were approached at the inspection barriers; 35 cattle, 100 sacks of charcoal, and 11 of cocoa without an invoice were also seized, as well as the truck carrying the cargo. During the incursions, 3 mining areas were also embargoed,” Segup reported in a statement.

Incursions continue to be carried out daily in pre-established areas in the alignments made at the fixed base, which brings together environmental, inspection, and Public Security and Social Defense System (Sieds) agencies, as well as at the barriers on roads that provide access to the inspected areas. The use of drones with thermal vision is contributing to the visualization of ground teams, in addition to the support provided by the Public Security Aerial Group (Graesp) teams that carry out overflights in the areas of interest in the actions.

Operation Curupira will arrive in the municipality of Uruará next Saturday (25), with the implementation of the second fixed base and still with actions planned specifically for the areas of the municipality. The third base is expected to be implemented by the second week of March, in the municipality of Novo Progresso.

Operation Curupira is essential for the preservation of the environment and indigenous populations in the APA Triunfo do Xingu region, which suffer from illegal activities that cause damage to nature and their subsistence. The integrated action of state agencies in the operation reinforces the Government of Pará’s commitment to combating environmental crimes and ensuring the conservation of natural resources. The implementation of fixed bases at strategic points in the municipalities has been an effective strategy to reinforce the state’s presence and inhibit criminal actions in the region. Society has an important role in this process, denouncing illegal practices that cause damage to nature.

With information from Agência Pará.



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