Agroforestry seedling nursery benefits more than 40 families from Mosaico Lago de Tucuruí

The Demonstration Unit will be a reference for family producers who will cultivate fruit and forest species

Riverside communities and family producers in the area of ​​influence of the Mosaic of Conservation Units (UCs) Lago de Tucuruí, in Southeast Pará, were contemplated with the installation of a nursery for agroforestry seedlings in an area belonging to the Cooperativa dos Pequenos Rurais Rurais (Coopagro Brasil), on the shores of the Tucuruí Hydroelectric Lake. The initiative, which will benefit more than 40 families, was promoted by the Institute for Forestry and Biodiversity Development (Ideflor-Bio), through the Regional Office of Carajás and the Administrative Management of Lago de Tucuruí (GRTUC), between the 16th and November 17th.

The installation of the nursery, measuring 6 mx 6 m, will serve the implementation of Demonstration Units of Agroforestry Systems (SAFs). Divided into two moments, the action was coordinated by the agronomist engineer and manager of the Carajás Regional Office of Ideflor-Bio, Keyla Borges, who passed on instructions on the correct choice of area for installation, guidance on handling, cultivation and correct time for transplanting the seedlings that will be cultivated.

According to Keyla Borges, the Demonstrative Unit will be a reference for all families involved in the action. The arrangement will have fruit species, such as cocoa, banana, cassava, corn and beans, and forest species, including tonka bean and copaiba.

Recovery – The Agroforestry System project (Prosaf) is developed by the Development Board of the Forest Chain (DDF/Ideflor-Bio), as a strategy for the recovery of environmental liabilities in altered areas with productive development and increased income on family farmers’ properties organized. The SAF consists of planting forest and fruit species native to the Amazon region in the same land, diversifying production and benefiting the development of plantations.

“Productive forest recomposition, food security and the promotion of family farming are among the many benefits of implementing SAFs in areas of family farmers. Ideflor-Bio encourages the production of forest and fruit seedlings, structuring of nurseries, mechanization of the land, training and regular follow-up through the Institute’s technical team”, informed the president of Ideflor-Bio, Karla Bengtson.

Reproduction Pará Agency



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