Counselors present results of actions in Conservation Units in Monte Alegre

Training of 30 brigade members and opening and maintenance of firebreaks are among the initiatives to protect the State Park and APA Paytuna

The Institute for Forestry and Biodiversity Development (Ideflor-Bio), through the Management of the Administrative Region of Calha Norte (GRCN-I), held on Friday (16) the last ordinary meeting of the Management Council of Conservation Units ( UCs) Monte Alegre State Park (Pema) and the Paytuna Environmental Protection Area (APA). 

The meeting was held in person and online, in the auditorium of the Technological School of the State of Pará (EETEPA), on Avenida Irmã Amata, in the municipality of Monte Alegre, in the West region.

The chairman of the two Management Councils, Patrícia Messias, and representatives of public bodies, civil society organizations and communities surrounding the UCs participated in person. Virtually there were the counselor and superintendent of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute in Pará (Iphan), Rebeca Ferreira Ribeiro; the representative of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), Alberto Akama, and technicians from the headquarters of Ideflor-Bio assigned to the GRCN-I.

At the meeting, the results of the actions and services aimed at the preservation and conservation of the (UCs) in 2022 were presented. Among the activities, the managers highlighted the training of 30 brigade members; registration and monitoring of 24 fishermen from the Nazaré community and APA Paytuna; maintenance of 20 firebreaks and opening of another 15 around the PAs to prevent the spread of fires; implementation of 11 nurseries for agroforestry seedlings, eight of which in areas surrounding the APA Paytuna and three in rural areas of Monte Alegre; planting of more than 300 forest seedlings and maintenance of nine Agroforestry Systems (SAFs), benefiting 30 families in the vicinity of the Conservation Units.

Pema’s Management Council is made up of six representatives from public authorities and seven from civil society institutions. The Apa Paytuna Management Board has seven representatives from public institutions and seven from civil society.

During the presentation of the projects, manager Patrícia Messias highlighted the importance of the meeting for closing the year and the debate on the elaboration and implementation of actions for the next year. It also reinforced the tourist potential of the UCs, especially ecotourism and community-based tourism, as a regional development factor and an incentive for the preservation and conservation of natural wealth.

Interaction – The holder of Ideflor-Bio, Karla Bengtson, emphasized that the Management Council is the main instrument that the Conservation Units have to interact with the surrounding community, in order to promote shared management between the administrative body and society.

The attribution of a Council consists primarily of identifying government and civil society members who can be mobilized to participate in the management of the units. To be part of the Council, one must have knowledge, deliberate, give an opinion and disclose issues related to the CUs. It is also necessary to participate in the management, considering the management plan, the use plan, the objectives of the unit and the interests of the residents.

The Paytuna Environmental Protection Area is a Conservation Unit that belongs to the Sustainable Use category, located entirely in the municipality of Monte Alegre, covering an area of ​​58,251 hectares. Its objective is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, with a view to improving the quality of life of residents of the area, through the development of activities based on environmental conservation, territorial planning and productive sustainability.

The Monte Alegre State Park is an Integral Protection Conservation Unit, which stands out for its peculiar ecosystem and scenic beauty. Created by State Law No. 6,412, of November 9, 2001, its boundaries were rectified by State Law No. 7,692, of January 3, 2013. Pema is located in Monte Alegre, and has an area of ​​3,678 ha.

Reproduction Pará Agency



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