Semas presents development of actions in inspection, monitoring and licensing at congress

The State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (Semas) was represented at the III Amazon Congress on the Environment and Renewable Energy (Camaer), held at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (Ufra). Started on Tuesday, the 13th, the event runs until this Thursday, the 15th, featuring a schedule of short courses, lectures and round tables, with researchers and lecturers from national institutions. Semas participated this Wednesday, the 14th, presenting the lectures “The Use of Geotechnologies in the Monitoring and Inspection Actions of Semas/Pa” and “Environmental Licensing at municipal, state and federal levels and development in the Brazilian Legal Amazon”.

In the panel of the event that dealt with “Geotechnologies Applied to Development in the Legal Brazilian Amazon: innovations and challenges” Andréa Coelho, Semas advisor, presented the lecture that exposed the use of geotechnologies used in the monitoring and inspection of the forest area, related to deforestation and sustainable forest management plans licensed by Semas.

Semas works in the field of inspection and monitoring based on free inputs, such as satellite images, from partner systems. Scientific, technical and official data technologies are made available from collaborators such as the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), the Mapbiomas Project, ɓh of Climate and Forest of Norway (NICFI) and the Serving Amazonia Program.

“In this presentation, scientific and technical concepts were addressed in the development of the secretariat’s actions, seeking to portray how this is applied in the work that we carry out at Semas”, explained Andrea Coelho.

The licensing agenda was also addressed in the Technical Forum of the event, which included Semas Environmental Licensing director, Marcelo Moreno, as one of the members of the dialogue, presenting the State services in the portfolio, which involves acting in licensing the location, installation, expansion or operation of activities that may, in any way, cause environmental damage.

Reproduction Pará Agency



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